Hearty Tomatoes, Black Olives, Chick Peas, Red Vinaigrette Salad

Hearty Tomatoes, Black Olives, Chick Peas, Red Vinaigrette Salad


 I realize that we’re at the beginning of the pumpkin spice latte season, but sometimes when you’re exhausted at the end of the day and in the mood for a light dinner, this salad does the trick. It’s quick and easy. Most of your prep time is slicing the green onions and tomato which means no scrubbing pots and pans to clean after dinner.  More time for you to relax and enjoy your evening.

Are your enjoying the second week of Fall?  The weather at my location is perfect. Not too hot during the day, and not to cold at night.  A few days ago, we had lightning and thunder.  I was so HAPPY to see it rain!! I warmed up the tea pot and made my husband and I a cup of tea. We sat outside under the porch listening to the steady rain as it glistens the tree leaves and drips to the ground.  The lightning show lit up the sky with cracking thunder sound not far behind it.  It was mother earth’s way of putting on a striking performance for everyone.  As soon as the lightning got closer I went inside. Every time I saw lightning, I would count 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi, until I heard the sound of thunder.  Each Mississippi equals to a mile. Two Mississippi meant the storm is two miles away. When the sound was one mile away, I went inside to be safe, opened the covered porch windows so I could continue to listen to the rain drops, and thunder.

Amazing after the storm. we’ve been receiving perfect weather.  The kind you can play in the garden with and prepare for a fall harvest before winter sets in.

Fun Veggie Fact: Did you know Chick peas (garbonzo beans) is low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium?  It is also a good source of Dietary Fiber, Protein and Copper. It has a very good source of Folate and Manganese. 


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