Monthly Garden Chores

March Gardening Tips- Gardening Tasks & What to Plant in March.

March Gardening Tips- Gardening Tasks & What to Plant in March.

March Gardening tips on what to plant, what to sow seeds Indoor and what to sow seeds Outdoor. Tips on applying copper sulfate on your fruit trees, and gardening maintenance.

February Garden Tips- Gardening Tasks & What To Plant in February

February Garden Tips- Gardening Tasks & What To Plant in February

Even though it may still be cold, damp, and miserable outside with an occasional dose of sunshine, it could put the gardening green bug in you. Now is the time to get your garden plan rolling.
In some warmer locations, you can begin sowing your vegetables outdoors (below 2,000 feet). For cooler areas, February is a great time to get a head start on tomatoes and peppers indoors. Also in late February there several cool weather vegetables you can plant directly sow out in the garden beds.

January Winter Stillness

January Winter Stillness

The months of winter is the best time to create a garden map and review your garden notes for a steady continual harvest.  I find that by keeping a garden calendar helps me stay organized. I can keep track of what tasks to do this month,  keep track on sowing dates and the projected harvest dates for the produce.
I’d like to share few tasks that I have in my yearly calendar for January that will keep your crops healthy and growing. 


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