Overcoming Challenges Of Our Homestead

Overcoming Challenges Of  Our Homestead

Today we are welcoming eight new chicks to our homestead family.

4 Americana’s, 2 Silver Lace Wyandotte’s, and 2 Buff Orpington’s.  We’ve never raised Silver Lace Wyandotte’s before.  Not absolutely sure what we are in for. Still learning about all of the characteristics of the breeds but, so far we like Americana’s and Buff Orpington’s.

The eight fluffy chicks are adorable.  I can’t wait until we introduce them to the older flock.  Still picking out names. We have two picked out, Sunshine and Cherokee.

We are taking a risk in hopes that the chicks will have a more of an extended happier life than the other ones did (explained in Air & Ground Attack blog post).  The chicks are raised temporarily in our house until they are old and big enough to be able to defend themselves from the older flock.

We are currently in the process of installing an electric wire fence. It is almost complete.  Will this keep the fox out?  What about the new predators that may arrive?

This morning while sipping leisurely on my coffee, I noticed the blackberry vine has turned into a living green monster growing ever larger by the hour it seems.  My goal this year and every year after, is to win the battle of the blackberry vine.  Preventing the vine from conquering and taking over the walkway leading to the herb garden.  A risk I can not take.  How will I flavor our meals if it claims the walkway as its thorny vine territory?  I will not have it!

Coffee in hand, blackberry vine in view and I’m planning my pruning attack.  Sipped the last drop of coffee, “okay” I tell myself, “it’s time to get geared up”.  Armor glove on hands, hedging sheers, ready for the battle to begin.  I began the first wave of snip, snip, followed by an ouch!  It was like I having a sword fight with the living vine. Snip, snip, snip, OUCH, gurr… snip, snip, yes!!

I picked up the last of the remains of the chopped blackberry vine to place it in the wheel barrow. I heard another battle occurring, and this time I wasn’t part of it.

I did a 360 turn and ran towards the chicken area and discovered a fox that had one of my hens cornered.  Seconds away from devouring Cleopatra.  I immediately intercepted, screaming at the fox.  Cleopatra continued to run, more like a wobble for her life searching for a safe haven from the ferocious fox.img_2099

Once intercepted I continue to charge the fox, chasing it out of the fenced property area.  I kept creating loud noises in hopes that it would discourage his return.  Both chickens are safe and sound.  However I knew that the fox most likely will return within the hour.

For the remainder of the day we secured all of the animals in their homes to prevent any further massacre from the fox.

Installing the electric fence has become the top priority.

The war with Mr. Ferocious Fox continues. Today he lost the battle and wandered off into the wilderness.

Guess what we did to protect our girls?  More to come.

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